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Cross-Layer Design for Video Transmission over Wireless Rician Slow-Fading Channels Using an Adaptive Multiresolution Modulation and Coding Scheme


We describe a multilayered video transport scheme for wireless channels capable of adapting to channel conditions in order to maximize end-to-end quality of service (QoS). This scheme combines a scalable H.263+ video source coder with unequal error protection (UEP) across layers. The UEP is achieved by employing different channel codes together with a multiresolution modulation approach to transport the different priority layers. Adaptivity to channel conditions is provided through a joint source-channel coding (JSCC) approach which attempts to jointly optimize the source and channel coding rates together with the modulation parameters to obtain the maximum achievable end-to-end QoS for the prevailing channel conditions. In this work, we model the wireless links as slow-fading Rician channel where the channel conditions can be described in terms of the channel signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the ratio of specular-to-diffuse energy. The multiresolution modulation/coding scheme consists of binary rate-compatible punctured convolutional (RCPC) codes used together with nonuniform phase-shift keyed (PSK) signaling constellations. Results indicate that this adaptive JSCC scheme employing scalable video encoding together with a multiresolution modulation/coding approach leads to significant improvements in delivered video quality for specified channel conditions. In particular, the approach results in considerably improved graceful degradation properties for decreasing channel SNR.


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Pei, Y., Modestino, J.W. Cross-Layer Design for Video Transmission over Wireless Rician Slow-Fading Channels Using an Adaptive Multiresolution Modulation and Coding Scheme. EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2007, 086915 (2007).

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