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Subspace-Based Noise Reduction for Speech Signals via Diagonal and Triangular Matrix Decompositions: Survey and Analysis


We survey the definitions and use of rank-revealing matrix decompositions in single-channel noise reduction algorithms for speech signals. Our algorithms are based on the rank-reduction paradigm and, in particular, signal subspace techniques. The focus is on practical working algorithms, using both diagonal (eigenvalue and singular value) decompositions and rank-revealing triangular decompositions (ULV, URV, VSV, ULLV, and ULLIV). In addition, we show how the subspace-based algorithms can be analyzed and compared by means of simple FIR filter interpretations. The algorithms are illustrated with working Matlab code and applications in speech processing.


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Hansen, P.C., Jensen, S.H. Subspace-Based Noise Reduction for Speech Signals via Diagonal and Triangular Matrix Decompositions: Survey and Analysis. EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2007, 092953 (2007).

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