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Table 1 SBR algorithm [30]

From: Sparse multidimensional modal analysis using a multigrid dictionary refinement

- Input. A signal y M, a matrix Φ M × Nand a scalar λ

- Output. A sparse coefficient vector x N.

1. Initialize. Set the index set Ω1 = , The coefficient vector x1 = [0,..., 0]Tand set the counter to k = 1.

2. Identify. Find the replacement nk of Φ that most decreases the objective function: n k arg min n { J Ω k n ( λ ) : = Ω n + λ Card( Ω n )}

3. Iterate. Update the active set if J Ω k n k ( λ ) < J Ω k ( λ ) Ω k + 1 = Ω k n k .

Increment k. Repeat (2)-(3) until the active set is not updated.

4. Output. Return x = x k , the active amplitudes.