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Table 1 Graph-based distributed parameter coordination algorithm

From: A distributed approach to precoder selection using factor graphs for wireless communication networks



Step 0

For all communication nodes, initialize all messages to zero (or close to zero at random), in particular, those from variable nodes to factor


nodes to zero, i.e.,


μ p k M i ( 0 ) p k =0


for all i and k, and set iteration index n=0

Step 1

At each communication node i, receive μ p k M i ( n ) p k from (the variable node of) each neighbor communication nodek N i

Step 2

At each communication node i, compute summary messages


μ M i p k ( n + 1 ) p k = min p A i { k } M i p A i + j A i { k } μ p j M i ( n ) p j ,


for each neighbor communication node k A i , by hypothesizing each possible value of p k in P k and finding the best corresponding set of


parameters p A i { k } that minimizes the quantity in brackets above

Step 3

At each communication node i, send a table of values representing μ M i p k ( n + 1 ) p k to (the variable node of) each neighbor communication


nodek N i

Step 4

At each communication node i, receive a table of values representing μ M k p i p i from (the factor node of) each neighbor communication


nodek N i

Step 5

At each communication node i, generate aggregated messages


μ p i M k ( n + 1 ) p i = μ M i p i ( n + 1 ) p i + j N i { k } μ M j p i ( n + 1 ) p i


for each neighbor communication node k A i by adding up multiple received tables representing μ M j p i ( n + 1 ) p i j N i

Step 6

At each communication node i, send a table of values representing μ p i M k ( n + 1 ) p i to (the factor node of) each neighbor communication node


k N i

Step 7

Increment iteration index n and go back to step 1 unless a certain stopping criterion, such as reaching a maximum number of iteration, is



Step 8

At each communication node i, compute the optimal parameter p i as


p i = arg min p i j A i μ M j p i ( n f ) p i ,


where n f denotes the final value of the iteration index