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Table 1 Using cross validation to select channels for a patient [19]

From: A review of channel selection algorithms for EEG signal processing

//“Full montage average performance evaluation”


for s = each seizure in set of seizures S

 C = 21 channels

 d = Detectorsetup (C, S – {s})

 Modify (All, d, s)


//“Subset channel selection performance evaluation”

Numchannels = 21

for n = 20 to 1


 for s = each seizure in set of seizures S

  S’ = S – {s}

  C = RFE(n, S’) “Find n best channels”

  d = Detectorsetup (C, S’)

  Modify (Subset, d, s)

 if Subset >= All

  Numrequired = n

return Numrequired