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Call for Papers: Advances in signal processing with compact sensors hosted by unmanned platforms for underwater surveillance and monitoring

Long-term underwater monitoring of the sea area has a vital role in many civilian and defense applications, ranging from stopping smugglers and illegal immigration to anti-submarine warfare, maritime security, and protection of high-value assets, as well as mammal protection and monitoring. Underwater monitoring is typically performed with large arrays of hydrophones that cannot be towed by small autonomous vehicles. However, recent advances in sensor technology allow the use of compact sensors that can be installed in small unmanned underwater-surface vessels or bottom nodes. Recent works demonstrated the integration of advanced quantum magnetic sensors, triplet arrays, compact volumetric arrays, and acoustic vector sensors in the aforementioned platforms; opening the possibility to perform long-term underwater monitoring using networks of mobile, smart, and long-endurance platforms and allowing portability, flexibility, and reconfigurability. Signal processing with such sensors is not trivial, especially when operating in coastal and shallow water environments with high reverberation and clutter and/or when designing signal processing algorithms that must run in real-time on platforms with small computation capability. Given these challenges, ample signal processing opportunities arise. This special issue seeks to provide a venue for ongoing research in novel methods for active and passive acoustic detection, localization, tracking, machine learning for target-clutter discrimination, data fusion, and cooperative behaviors among the mobile and smart sensors of the network. 

Topics of Interest include (but are not limited to): 

  • Sensor characterization 
  • Channel modeling and characterization
  • Space-Time processing 
  • Waveform diversity 
  • Signal processing for multiple target detection and DOA estimation 
  • Port–Starboard discrimination with slow maneuvering platforms
  • Target localization and tracking with bearing only measurements
  • Multistatic tracking and data fusion 
  • Classification methods for target-clutter discrimination 
  • Classification methods for underwater sound sources
  • Active Planning
  • Information-Seeking Control 
  • Environmental Characterization and Inference 
  • Simultaneous real-time ocean sensing and discovery 
  • Real-time data processing approaches
  • Software, hardware, and platforms for synthesized outputs to the ocean community

Important Dates

Date of Submission Deadline – 28 February 2023

Guest Editors
Pietro Stinco 
Purnima Ratilal Makris
Yves Doisy
Robert Been
Florian Meyer
Jeffrey Bates

Submission Instructions
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the Instructions for Authors for EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. The complete manuscript should be submitted through the EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing submission system. To ensure that you submit to the correct special issue please select the appropriate section in the drop-down menu upon submission. In addition, indicate within your cover letter that you wish your manuscript to be considered as part of the special issue on 'Advances in signal processing with compact sensors hosted by unmanned platforms for underwater surveillance and monitoring'. All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review and accepted articles will be published within the journal as a collection.

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