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Multiadaptive Bionic Wavelet Transform: Application to ECG Denoising and Baseline Wandering Reduction


We present a new modified wavelet transform, called the multiadaptive bionic wavelet transform (MABWT), that can be applied to ECG signals in order to remove noise from them under a wide range of variations for noise. By using the definition of bionic wavelet transform and adaptively determining both the center frequency of each scale together with the-function, the problem of desired signal decomposition is solved. Applying a new proposed thresholding rule works successfully in denoising the ECG. Moreover by using the multiadaptation scheme, lowpass noisy interference effects on the baseline of ECG will be removed as a direct task. The method was extensively clinically tested with real and simulated ECG signals which showed high performance of noise reduction, comparable to those of wavelet transform (WT). Quantitative evaluation of the proposed algorithm shows that the average SNR improvement of MABWT is 1.82 dB more than the WT-based results, for the best case. Also the procedure has largely proved advantageous over wavelet-based methods for baseline wandering cancellation, including both DC components and baseline drifts.


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Sayadi, O., Shamsollahi, M.B. Multiadaptive Bionic Wavelet Transform: Application to ECG Denoising and Baseline Wandering Reduction. EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process. 2007, 041274 (2007).

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