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Table 2 Summary of the notation and mathematical operators used throughout this paper

From: Systematic design of transmitter and receiver architectures for flexible filter bank multi-carrier signals



Linear convolution


Complex conjugate


Transpose operator


Ceil operator (i.e., rounds to the nearest integer towards




Floor operator (i.e., rounds to the nearest integer towards


minus infinity)


Reconstruction delay affecting the received source symbols


Reconstruction delay affecting the transmitted signal


Order of the polyphase network

B r

Order of the polyphase network at the FBMC receiver

B t

Order of the polyphase network at the FBMC transmitter


Fraction of the symbol time devoted to cyclic prefix

D B ·

Downsampling operation by a factor B


i th output of a P-points discrete Fourier transform (DFT)


Impulse response of the prototype filter

g i [n]

i th polyphase subfilter

G t,r

Complexity gain with respect a conventional


transmultiplexer implementation

I B ·

Upsampling operation by a factor B


i th output of a P-points inverse discrete Fourier transform




Least common multiple


a Modulo b (i.e. a a b b)

N CM r

Number of complex multiplications per multi-carrier


symbol at the FBMC receiver

N CM t

Number of complex multiplications per multi-carrier


symbol at the FBMC transmitter

N sso

Integer number such that lcm (Pt,Nss)=NssoPt

P r

Fundamental subcarrier period (samples) at the FBMC



P t

Fundamental subcarrier period (samples) at the FBMC



P ro

Integer number such that lcm (Pr,Nss)=ProNss

P to

Integer number such that lcm (Pt,Nss)=PtoNss


Roll-off factor

s n [l]

Source symbols to be transmitted on the n-th subcarrier at


the l th FBMC symbol

s ~ n [l]

Phase-rotated version of the source symbols

s ̆ n [l]

Source symbols recovered at the FBMC receiver

S mod ( i , P ) P [l]

IDFT transformed source symbols (i.e.,


S mod ( i , P ) P [l] IDFT i , P ([ s 0 [l], s 1 [l],, s P 1 [ l ] T ]))


FBMC transmitted signal

x i [k]

Input signal to the i th polyphase filter

y i [k]

Output signal from the i th polyphase filter